Oklahoma City estate sale
1507 Brighton Avenue
Saturday, 22 October, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sunday, 23 October, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
To see an online map, click here.
Oklahoma City police officer on site at all times during this Oklahoma City estate sale.
Precious metals not on site until sale day.
We will have to run the register on the driveway due to the house’s floor plan;
we ask that customers enter through the east side of the garage and exit through the west.
Because this sale is so full and in such a relatively cozy home, we may have to admit customers in increments of 25 to 35 at a time.
Thanks for understanding.
We’ll have two “sold” tables on site for your convenience; however,
we ask that you be fair to the estate, to other customers and to us
by not placing items on the “sold” table or on your ticket until you are fully committed to buying said items.
n.b.: Due to circumstances beyond our control,
neither the Limoges cachepot nor the oak secretary advertised earlier this week will be in the sale.
Thanks for your understanding.
Our good friends Joan Zubik & Connie Weber (Estate Sales & Liquidations, Inc.)
will also be conducting an Oklahoma City sale this weekend.
It will be at 4314 St. Patrick Drive (in The Greens.)
It will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, and from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday.
To see an online map to Joan’s & Connie’s sale, click here.
Full color preview pics of our (McNeil Liquidations’) sale below.
Simply left click once on any image below to make it expand. (You may have to wait just a moment.)
Then, simply use the arrows in the bottom right-hand corner of each pic to scroll forward or backward through the gallery.