Two Oklahoma City estate sales this weekend — details about McNeil Liquidations’ sale in second paragraph.
Pics of McNeil Liquidations’ sale in gallery below.
Sale #1 (our sale):
3148 NW 60th Street
(To see an online map, click here.)
Very simple to find. Just take NW Expressway (or NW 63rd) to Independence,
then take NW 61st Street east.
Follow NW 61st Street to NW 60th, then turn south.
Parking will be limited on 60th Street itself, so please park courteously and legally.
Saturday, 10 December, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Sign-up sheet out at 8 a.m.)
Sunday, 11 December, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. (No sign-up sheet on Sunday.)
Police officer on duty at all times.
Each dealer or eligible veteran must submit a photocopy of his or her tax exemption permit.
Unattended children will be given pet spider monkeys and cans of Red Bull.
Sterling and silver-plated flatware not on site until sale day.
Sale #2 (P.E.L’s sale in Belle Isle):
2405 NW 56th Street
Saturday, 10 December, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Numbers starting at 8 a.m.)
Sunday, 11 December, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. (No numbers on Sunday.)
To see an online map, click here.
Left click once on any image below to make it expand,
then use the arrows in the bottom right-hand corner of each pic to scroll forward or backward through the gallery.